UPDATE: Sustainable Living

UPDATE: Sustainable Living

It’s now 2.5 years after my last post. I just posted one today that I had written nearly three years ago. I went back and forth on deleting it but decided to use it as benchmark for where my mindset was several years ago. I’ve debated with myself over and over where to begin in blogging. My life looks much differently than it did in 2020.

First, our family grew by two boys. We now have 4 very active and very fun boys running around our house. We live outside the cities as a result of a job change for my husband. I no longer blog on Instagram, just try and keep the distant relatives up-to-date with our lives. I started dabbling in bread making and embarked on a challenge of “buy no bread” this year. I homeschool the two older boys and keep an active social calendar for their benefit. And finally, I quit my part-time job to work full-time in the home last February when my fourth son was born.

I guess i’m thinking out loud as I write this. I’m still not sure if “blogging” will ever be something I can continue consistently, but I do enjoy writing and being creative. And I find it comical that the “welcome back” post I chose was about sustainable living, something I have come to discover is very hard to fully achieve. But like most things that are worth pursuing, it requires a lot of probing and perfecting.

I’ve joked with some friends that my goal for 2023 was to restore my IQ back to my pre-pregnancy level. So if you are searching for a wild ride, join me as I try new things once again!

That’s Very Keri