My Journey

UPDATE: Sustainable Living

UPDATE: Sustainable Living

It’s now 2.5 years after my last post. I just posted one today that I had written nearly three years ago. I went back and forth on deleting it but decided to use it as benchmark for where my mindset was several years ago. I’ve [Read More]

Sustainable subURBAN Living

Sustainable subURBAN Living

When the panic buying of Covid-19 started sweeping grocery stores across the world, I realized how little I wanted to go to the store or buy consumables that we didn’t actually eat. It started a mindfulness towards sustainable living that I couldn’t go back on. [Read More]

Potty Training Guide

Potty Training Guide

We recently embarked on the wonderful journey of potty training our second child. I was running on my last box of diapers and didn’t feel like spending an extra $40 just for convenience. Groceries are already expensive, right? I decided to make the jump and [Read More]

JUST Average: A Lesson I’ve Learned in My 20’s

JUST Average: A Lesson I’ve Learned in My 20’s

It isn’t uncommon for parents of little kids to encourage their little ones to aspire to amazing and incredible things. My own three-year-old wants to be the Hulk when he grows up. While becoming Hulk is totally unrealistic, I would be a terrible mother if [Read More]

Coronavirus Changed My Mind

Coronavirus Changed My Mind

Most of you won’t read this either because #TLDR or it has the word “Coronavirus” in it and by now our news, social media, and personal conversations are flooded with COVID-19. But for those of you who do read it, thank you and I hope [Read More]