Coronavirus Changed My Mind

Coronavirus Changed My Mind

Most of you won’t read this either because #TLDR or it has the word “Coronavirus” in it and by now our news, social media, and personal conversations are flooded with COVID-19. But for those of you who do read it, thank you and I hope you take time to share your thoughts at the end or on social media (tag me so I can read!).

We are currently in our family’s 5th day of “self-quarantine” and we are already feeling very stir crazy and like we are going insane ourselves. I’ve cooked EVERYDAY, three times a day since quarantine and it is definitely driving me nuts. I like cooking, don’t get me wrong, but not having the option (or really, desire) to purchase pre-made food is something I totally took for granted. There are a couple other things I am learning about my own mind:

Selfishness comes easy. Selflessness takes practice.

This virus isn’t about ME. This quarantine isn’t about keeping ME safe. There is a much bigger picture when you look at the people getting infected and how younger people are not as affected by Coronavirus. I’ve learned a lot about letting go of making ME happy and looking to benefit others too.

Coronavirus changes communication.

I am motivated more than ever to connect and keep open communication with my family and extended family (especially my grandparents). While we live in a time where it is easy to shoot off a quick text/email, I found that I often don’t do that on a regular basis. My concern is for them so I reach out to them. I can’t connect with my friends/family in person like I would like, so we FaceTime more and text more.

Self-sufficient because of Coronavirus.

I always thought I was self-sufficient but now I am really testing it out. My last grocery shop was on Friday afternoon for some quick perishables that I knew we would want. I don’t plan on shopping again until the beginning of April. This is going to require lots of creativity, less waste, and some sacrifice. Isn’t that the word of the month? Sacrifice.

I know I can do it because that is just the way my brain works. I set a goal and, by gum, I am going to get it done. Plus, the motivation of keeping social distancing keeps me going. Pushing myself to accomplish something very difficult has been a great thing for me, mentally.

Sacrifice is good for the soul.

Boy, oh boy, this one is a hard lesson I am learning. We’ve made a lot of sacrifices individually and as a family during this season. We cancelled playdates, events, and family time to follow social distancing guidelines. We have sacrificed take-out and date night (out) for staying home to keep us and others safe. We’ve tried meals to promote healthy immune systems that were definitely not the best (have you ever tried beef liver?). Regardless of all these temporary sacrifices, they are worth it. I don’t know if they are worth it because we didn’t help spread Coronavirus, but it is worth it because it is teaching me I don’t need to live such a spoiled and privileged life. It’s good for my soul.

It is good to consider others above myself. It’s good to spend more time in prayer for those we love who are ill or high risk. It is good for us to practice frugality. It is good for us to recognize the great privilege of face-to-face connection with family and friends. So yah, I’ve learned a lot these 5 days.

“The worst with Coronavirus is yet to come.”

That is what we keep hearing. But mentally, we are prepared. Coronavirus could be around for months based on what government officials and medical professionals say. Get mentally prepared now. Here is my current mentality: We may not be living in the lap of luxury over here but we sure are going to value and cherish each healthy day we have. Also, be kind to those around you. Help when you can and love one another deeply.

Reach out if you need a FaceTime playdate or give me a call to chat. I would love to hear from you, friends. Praying for the health of our Nation and Globe,
