About My Blog: FAQ

You guys asked about the blog, so here are the HONEST answers!

What are you even doing?

LOL! This is a great question and I think it myself all the time with my blog. All. The. Time. Honestly, after “blogging” for nearly 8 months already I think my answer would be this: Just trying to not do the same ole’ same ole’. You may notice that it is my current bio. I was getting really swept up in the mundane and needed to spice things up. Well, no better way than to make your life really public and shoot some pretty weird content, am I right?

What web host do you use for your blog?

Currently, I am hosting my WordPress blog on Bluehost.com. I think they are great and have always had really good customer service. I am not an affiliate for them so note that all my opinions are NOT SPONSORED and honest. They make the process really easy for newbies (like me!) and make it easy for me to not worry about stuff i’m not good at worrying about, like web hosting! Sheesh!

Speaking of sponsored…Is all your blog content sponsored?

I WISH! No, not even close. If it were, I would be rolling in sponsorships and cash. But I’m not, and that’s the hard, honest truth right there. Some of it is and if you really want to know if I’m being paid for a post either through product or money you will see the #sponsored or #gifted in the caption. Otherwise, most of the stuff you see are things I genuinely love personally. Well, all of the stuff I genuinely love personally. I don’t really do sponsorships with companies that I wouldn’t love.

Best example of turning down a brand: I was approached by a teeth whitening brand to try out their custom whitening aligners. Sounds cool! Sounds awesome! Who wouldn’t want whiter teeth? Well, me, I guess. That is because my very front tooth is half-fake so even if I whiten all my other teeth, half of my front tooth (FRONT TOOTH!!!!) won’t change. That would damage my looks (lol!) and also the brand because they would be like, “what the heck!?”. So I politely turned them down. No need to be rude about it, just didn’t fit for me.

Nothing to do with the blog…but how old are you?

OKAY! The elephant in the room. This month I’m going to be 26. Yikes. Some of you reading this may think that is really young, some of you might think that is SUPER old. I am with the latter thinkers. I think I am SUPER DUPER old now. C’mon! I remember two decades ago thinking how cool it would be to be in my twenties. Now that I’m here and my wrinkles aren’t going away and it’s a lot harder to stay in shape or even go up stairs, it isn’t so starry.

No, in all seriousness, I’m really not that old but the years start flying by a lot quicker now. Time keeps marching on. Love my twenties and can’t wait for more cool memories.

Does your husband support your blog?

YES! In a lot of ways, my hubby has been one of my biggest cheerleaders in this adventure. In fact, I won’t ever forget the day HE encouraged me to pursue it. I only did it because he encouraged me to. I will be forever grateful (even if it fizzles after one year) to him for letting me try and express my creativity in a way that he doesn’t really understand. He very rarely looks at my Instagram and I don’t think he is reading this blog, but if he is, thanks for always being there babe.

about the blog

Where do you get inspiration?

There really isn’t any short answer to this one but I will try and make one. From lots of places. I LOVE scrolling through Pinterest (any Pinterest people out there?!) and adding inspiring content to my board “Inspiration for an Uninspiring Day“. If I am ever feeling low on creative juices this is where I go first.

Second, I love seeing what other people do (or don’t do) on Instagram. Some of my favorite bloggers create some of the most visually interesting things. I will put together a blog about them very soon. You won’t want to skip out on them.

Third, I get really random ideas mostly after being outside. I see something and think, I would love to pose with that. My outfits are formed around my surroundings and go from there. I love changing and giving new perspectives and point of views. That is why I started #FromMyView on the weekends so that you could see a different perspective than what you normally would see.

I warned you, long answer. But it’s the truth at least.

where am i going with my blog

Last one: What are your goals with “blogging”?

Whoosh. This is a tough one. And, if I’m being really honest, it is changing. Notice that I changed the question and put parentheses around the word “blogging”. I wouldn’t really classify myself as a typical “blogger” but someone else might. That’s okay!

I just want to shine a light. Really and honestly, that is all I want to do. If I encourage one mom that she can try something new today or if I can encourage one person who is going through a rough patch of seasonal depression, I’ve made my goals. I’m a little skeptical that I will ever become the Bill Gates of “blogging” but maybe I can leave a little light on in a world that loves to dim them.

That’s all babes. You all are the best and knowing there may be one person laugh at my (stupid!) jokes when I post this makes it all worth it at the end of the day. You all are my online friends and I love you all!
